

  • Teaching: 15 min
  • Exercises: 10 min


  • How can I store and access multiple values?


  • Explain why we need collections of values
  • Write programs that create, index, slice and modify them?

What is a list?

A list in Python stores many values in a single structure.
We have seen how variables can store a single value but if we have a dataset, e.g. the pressure in our experiment sampled every minute we could use variables:

pressure_000, pressure_001, pressure_002, ..

But writing these out by hand would be slow and not much fun; especially if we have tens, thousands, or even millions of values in our dataset.
A list is the name of Python's solution to the problem (other languages have arrays or vectors to do the same sort of thing.
Typically lists will be used to store related values as in the example of our experimental pressures.

Structure of a list:

  • Values are contained within square brackets [, ]
  • Values must be separated by commas, ,

Let's create a list of pressures we described above:

In [1]:
pressures = [0.273, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]
print('pressures:', pressures)
pressures: [0.273, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]

As with variables containing a single value until now we assign the list to a variable, and give it a meaningful name pressures.
When we print the variable that has been used to store the list Python displays the entire list, including all of values that have been assigned and the square brackets which we used to create the list.

We can confirm the type of what is in our variable as we did in the previous episode:

In [2]:
<class 'list'>

and confirm that it is a 'list'.
We can also use a built-in function len() to find out how many values are in the list:

In [3]:

Using indexes to fetch values from a list

What makes lists useful however is being able to retrieve individual values. We do this by indexing paricular values in the list, as follows:

In [4]:
print('zeroth item of pressures:', pressures[0])
print('fourth item of pressures:', pressures[4])
zeroth item of pressures: 0.273
fourth item of pressures: 0.276

Notice that in Python the 'first item' in the list has the index 0. There are reasons for this which we will not go into today, so for now we just need to remember this. If we forget and try to reference the value in index 5 of our list of pressures we will get an "index out of range" error message:

In [5]:
print('fifth item of pressures:', pressures[5])
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-b20f9a50fe9a> in <module>
----> 1 print('fifth item of pressures:', pressures[5])

IndexError: list index out of range

We find that code causes an error, and if we examine it, starting from the bottom of the message we find that Python has provided the following message IndexError: list index out of range.
This is quite informative and if we look at the line above we find that it has given an indication of the line where the error happened, helping us to identify what the problem is likely to be.

Modifying items in a list

Values stored in a list can be changed by assigning a new value to that index:

In [6]:
pressures[0] = 0.265
print('pressures is now:', pressures)
pressures is now: [0.265, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]

We can see that the first, or rather zeroth item in the list has been changed, but all other values are unaffected.

Appending items to a list

Often rather than changing one value stored in a list we may want to add new items. For instance let's start by creating a new list containing the names the patients on a medical trial:

In [7]:
patients = ["Alan", "Ben", "Charlie", "Derick"]
print("patients:", patients)
patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick']

To add, or append items to the list we use the following syntax:


In the case of our example of the list of patients we would write:


We can experiment with this below:

In [8]:
print("Initial patients:", patients)
print("Initial number of patients:", len(patients))
print("Current patients:", patients)
print("Current number of patients:", len(patients))
Initial patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick']
Initial number of patients: 4
Current patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank']
Current number of patients: 6

Combining lists

As well as adding patients to the list we might want to combine two lists.
For instance my colleague might have a second list of patients that they have been treating that I want to add to my list.
Python allows us to combine one list with another using the extend function:


which adds the whole of list_2 to the end of list_1.

In our example we first need to create the new list then add it to our existing list of patients:

In [9]:
patients_2 = ["Greg", "Henry", "Ian", "Jeff"]
print("First list of patients:", patients)
print("Second list of patients:", patients_2)
print("Combined list of patients:", patients)
First list of patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank']
Second list of patients: ['Greg', 'Henry', 'Ian', 'Jeff']
Combined list of patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank', 'Greg', 'Henry', 'Ian', 'Jeff']

Types of values in lists, indexing and deleting

So far we have only had the same type of values in the lists we have created, and typically when working with datasets this will be the case.
However in Python lists do not have to contain a single type of values, including having a list as an item in another list.

We have a third colleague with their own set of patients in the trial which we will now create.
But by mistake instead of using extend to combine the lists we will see what happens if we append the new list:

In [10]:
patients_3 = ["Keiran", "Luke", "Mike", "Nigel"]
print("Combined list of patients:", patients)
Combined list of patients: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank', 'Greg', 'Henry', 'Ian', 'Jeff', ['Keiran', 'Luke', 'Mike', 'Nigel']]

If you examine this carefully you will see that instead of adding the new patients separately to the end of the list, we have instead added one extra item to the end of the list patients, and that last item is a list!

In order to see this more clearly let's examine the last item in the list patients. We could see how long the list is now with len(patients) however Python provides a convenient way of indexing from the end of the list beginning with list_name[-1]. Let's print this last element and the one before to see what has been stored in patients:

In [11]:
print("The last item in patients:", patients[-1])
print("The penultimate item in patients:", patients[-2])
The last item in patients: ['Keiran', 'Luke', 'Mike', 'Nigel']
The penultimate item in patients: Jeff

We can see now that rather than combining the lists as we'd intended we have appended patients_3 as a single item in patients. In order to correct this we need to delete the final item in the list, and combine the new list correctly:

In [12]:
print("The last item in patients:", patients[-1])
del patients[-1]
print("The last item in patients:", patients[-1])
print("The last item in patients:", patients[-1])
The last item in patients: ['Keiran', 'Luke', 'Mike', 'Nigel']
The last item in patients: Jeff
The last item in patients: Nigel

Slicing lists

Having finally combined our lists of patients correctly we would like to split them up for the two doctors Alice, and Beth who will be treating them next. So far we have accessed a single item in a list by specifying a single index. We can produce slices of lists by giving a range of indexes as follows:

In [13]:
patients_alice = patients[0:6]
patients_beth = patients[6:14]
print("Alice will be treating:", patients_alice)
print("Beth will be treating:", patients_beth)
Alice will be treating: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank']
Beth will be treating: ['Greg', 'Henry', 'Ian', 'Jeff', 'Keiran', 'Luke', 'Mike', 'Nigel']

When we create a slice such as list_slice = list[low:high], low is the index of the item in list that will be the first index in list_slice, while high is the first index in list that will not be in list_slice.

If we are indexing from the beginning or end we can omit low, or high respectively from our slice and they will be inferred by python:

In [14]:
patients_alice = patients[:7]
patients_beth = patients[7:]
print("Alice will be treating:", patients_alice)
print("Beth will be treating:", patients_beth)
Alice will be treating: ['Alan', 'Ben', 'Charlie', 'Derick', 'Edward', 'Frank', 'Greg']
Beth will be treating: ['Henry', 'Ian', 'Jeff', 'Keiran', 'Luke', 'Mike', 'Nigel']

Empty lists

Sometimes we want to create an empty list ready to add items, or other lists, values to. In order to do this we can use square brackets with nothing in side them [].

In [15]:
empty_list = []
print("An empty list:", empty_list, "contains", len(empty_list), "items.")
An empty list: [] contains 0 items.

Strings are like lists

In the previous episodes we have seen that strings are sets of characters. These can be indexed in a similar way to lists where each index refers to a different character in the string.

In [16]:
element = 'carbon'
print('zeroth character:', element[0])
print('third character:', element[3])
zeroth character: c
third character: b

There are subtle difference however between the way that Python considers strings and lists:

  • once a string has been created it cannot be changed
  • Python considers the string to be a single value with parts, not a collection of values

Practically this means that you cannot reassign an element of a string, only access it, and you cannot append or extend one string with another.

List re-order

Re-order the following lines of code to produce the output below

values = values[1:]
print("second time:", values)
values = []
print("first time:", values)

With the output being (in this order!):

first time: [1, 3, 5]
second time: [3, 5]

Check that you obtain the correct result by executing your commands.


How Large is a Slice?

If low and high are both non-negative integers, how long is the list values[low:high]?


Working With the End

  1. What does the following program print?
    element = 'helium'
  2. How does Python interpret a negative index?
  3. If a list or string has N elements, what is the most negative index that can safely be used with it, and what location does that index represent?
  4. If values is a list, what does del values[-N] do?
  5. How can you display all elements but the last one? (Hint: you will need to combine slicing and negative indexing.)


Slice Bounds

What does the following program print:

element = 'lithium'

and why?


Key Points:

  • A list stores many values in a single structure.
  • Use an item’s index to fetch it from a list.
  • Python lists start indexing at 0.
  • Lists’ values can be replaced by assigning to them.
  • Appending items to a list lengthens it.
  • Use del to remove items from a list entirely.
  • The empty list contains no values.
  • Lists may contain values of different types.
  • Character strings can be indexed like lists.
  • BUT Character strings are immutable.
  • Indexing beyond the end of the collection is an error.
  • Slices beyond the end of a list are empty.
  • The low value of a list must be lower than the high value to return a valid slice.
  • If negative indexing is used, then the index should be interpreted as implied, i.e. if you have 10 items in a list then the index -1, is 9.
  • Python lists start indexing at 0.