Consider the ToothGrowth
, lapply
etc the average growth (variable len
) for the two different supplements (variable supp
, lapply
etc the average growth (variable len
) for each combination of supplement (variable supp
) and dose (variable dose
avg_s = sapply(c("OJ", "VC"), function(s) {mean(len[supp == s])})
avg_sd = sapply(c(0.5, 1.0, 2.0), function(d) {sapply(c("OJ", "VC"), function(s) {mean(len[supp == s & dose == d])})})
# OR
avg_sd = mapply(function(s, d) {mean(len[supp == s & dose == d])},
rep(c("OJ", "VC"), 3), rep(c(0.5, 1.0, 2.0), each = 2))
OJ | 13.23 | 22.70 | 26.06 |
VC | 7.98 | 16.77 | 26.14 |
Consider the topo
data provided by the package MASS
containing the altitude z
at 52 coordinates x
and y
loops efficiently to compute the matrix of pairwise distances between the locations given by the x
, y
coordinates. Compute only the lower triangular part of the matrix.topo
data set at $\theta = 3$.library(MASS)
n = nrow(topo)
distmat = matrix(0, n, n) # Initialise memory for the matrix of distances
for (j in 1:(n-1)) { # Loop across columns
for (i in (j+1):n) { # Loop across the lower triangular part
distmat[i, j] = sqrt((x[i] - x[j])^2 + (y[i] - y[j])^2)
corrmat = matrix(0, n, n) # Initialise memory for the correlation matrix
theta = 3
rowindx = matrix(1:n, n, n)
lowtri = rowindx > t(rowindx) # Identify the lower triangular part of the matrix
idisttheta = distmat < theta # Identify elements < theta
disttheta = distmat[idisttheta & lowtri]/theta
corrmat[idisttheta & lowtri] = 1 - 1.5*disttheta + .5*disttheta^3
The following objects are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv: x, z